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A Great Example of Using a Top Sporter to Promote a Brand


By Claire I Powell

This picture appeared on the front and back covers of The Edge (business magazine) promoting CIMB. If you did not already know, this lady is the number 1 in the world in squash, a Malaysian woman called Nicol David.

This is a great example of using a top sporter to promote a brand and its values and its determination to ride through the current economic crisis. Nicol went on to win the Malaysian open to top it off for CIMB.

The important thing for CIMB is to ensure that it lives up to the brand values it is promoting by associating itself this this ultimate champion, ie. determination, skill, strength, durability, self belief, dependability and the ability to keep smiling in tough times too. If CIMB does not live up to those values, it will be not only disappointing its customers, but also devaluing the Nicol David brand.

This issue of sponsorship being a long term partnership between sporter and sponsor in terms of brand building, is something I am trying to encourage on the sports community site I built e-sporters.com. Through the site, sponsors and sporters/teams alike can check each other out, network, build relationships and create a win win for both parties.

If you are either a sporter or from an organisation which supports sporters in achieving their goals - you should register at the site (it is free to register).

Photos by NicolDavidOnline, to view more..